Protein. Why You Need It!
Protein is one of the most important macronutrients for our overall health, performance, longevity, and body composition. Unfortunately, what sells the most in the fitness industry is often misinformation, promises of quick fixes, detox teas, and the like. The simple truth of what actually works and improves your health and longevity (and yes, yes, your body composition too), like eating more protein, is not a very “sexy” sell.
Beating the Vacation Bloat
Alright friends, I know I’m not alone in dreading the Vacation Bloat… And let’s be real, when we say “bloat” we often mean constipation or other GI issues, so let’s just put that right out in front. We know what we are addressing here!
The Benefits of Rolling Your Feet
Rolling your feet is an easy and effective way to not only keep your feet in good shape, but it will also transfer up your posterior chain and release other areas you might not even be aware of…
Hip Flexor TLC
Hip flexors are a group of muscles that tend to be underappreciated and ignored until you realize that you’ve abused or injured them… Give your hip flexors a little TLC before they act out!
Thoracic Mobility: It's Kind Of A Big Deal
Throughout my years of personal training, I quickly realized the importance of maintaining thoracic mobility when I saw the challenges and impact that occurred when people had not…
The Inception of BarbellsNBallroom
BarbellsNBallroom was created for dancers and non-dancers alike, with a goal to not only promote longer, injury-free dance careers, but also improve longevity and quality of everyday life...