Protein. Why You Need It!
What’s all the hype about protein and why do I keep harping on it?
Protein is one of the most important macronutrients for our overall health, performance, longevity, and body composition. Unfortunately, what sells the most in the fitness industry is often misinformation, promises of quick fixes, detox teas, and the like. The simple truth of what actually works and improves your health and longevity (and yes, yes, your body composition too), like eating more protein, is not a very “sexy” sell.
Health and fitness will never be a quick fix but a lifelong investment in your overall health and longevity. Physical health, mental health, hormone health, bone density, etc. If you work to make deposits into your health bank now, you will not only see the benefits day-to-day, but in your future quality of life! So, let’s talk about why protein is so crucial, and why it’s important to eat optimally (looking at you dancers!) and FUEL yourself, not just for your physical performance but for your future quality of life too. I’m here to promise you that protein will not only improve your overall health, physical and mental, but it will also improve your body composition (less fat, more muscle, yay)!
It. Will. Not. Make. You. Bulky.
Just like picking up heavy weights will not make you “bulky”, but I digress…
I used to be like you too! The first food log I ever competed had one protein item on it – an egg. Literally one egg, for a grand total of 6 grams of protein that day… Now I am up to a 125+ grams of protein per day!
Is it easy? No, literally it never gets easy. It takes food prepping every week, and planning/packing a lunch every day.
Is it important and worthwhile? Definitely! Here’s why…
Protein provides our bodies with essential amino acids (“the building blocks of life”), which our body cannot produce on its own, we have to consume it in our diets. These amino acids are broken down in the body and used to produce important molecules in our bodies like, enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, and antibodies. All contributing to:
Muscle Growth and Repair: Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. This is especially important for athletes and active individuals.
Weight Management: Protein can help with weight management by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing overall calorie intake.
Strong Bones: Adequate protein intake is important for maintaining bone health and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Immune Function: Protein is necessary for the production of antibodies and other immune system components.
Energy Production: Protein can be used for energy production when carbohydrate intake is low.
Without consuming enough protein, each day, every day, our bodies cannot function optimally.
Before we get into what constitutes a good source of “Protein” we have to address how much is enough, because you will hear so many different things!
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is 0.8g/kg bodyweight, or 0.36g/lb per day. Yet, what you NEED to know is that this amount is only enough to prevent protein deficiency. It’s by no means optimal, especially for those of us who are exceptionally active, like dancers, and other more traditional athletes.
Most people need more along the lines of 1.4-2.0 g/kg bodyweight, or 0.64-0.9 g/lb of bodyweight per day. For example, if someone weighs 165lb, their optimal daily protein amount would range from 105.6 g - 148.5 g of protein per day. So… Not just one hard-boiled egg containing 6gs!
Additionally, because the body cannot store unlimited amounts of protein, we need to work to eat protein consistently throughout the day, making the amino acid building blocks readily available to our bodies at any given time.
Okay, so I need more protein, but what counts?
Your very best option for high quality, lean protein, is animal products. As my boss used to say in my early training years (hi Tash!), a good source of protein is:
“Anything that HAD a face, or WOULD HAVE had a face.”
Your chicken, turkey, fish, beef, lamb, etc.
Also: Eggs, Cottage Cheese, Unsweetened/Unflavored Greek Yogurt, and I also supplement with a “clean” protein powder (more on why later).
I do NOT count: Beans and legumes (carb), nuts and seeds (fats), nut butters (fats), or cheese (fat). This often makes me a very unpopular person, BUT, though these items contain some protein, they are higher in carb/fat than actual protein, so I categorize them as such! The only exception to this rule is if you are vegetarian/vegan, which honestly, is not my recommendation. (I was vegetarian for 10 years too)!
Upping your daily protein intake is not an easy task, so I do supplement with a whey protein shake almost every day, and also include an extra scoop of collagen, which ends up being 39 g of protein. The shake, combined with my additional Greek yogurt, eggs, chicken, tuna, throughout the day, will get me to my daily intake goal.
Don’t be alarmed if you can’t do it overnight, but work towards getting to your daily goal. Also, don’t be alarmed if your body is not used to digesting/processing that much protein initially. If you find you have gas (and, erm, it definitely happens!) you can help the process with the addition of a digestive enzyme while your body gets used to your dietary changes.
All in all, protein is an essential macronutrient that provides so many wonderful benefits for your health, wellbeing, and body composition. By consuming adequate protein, you will help build and maintain your muscle, manage your bodyweight easier, increase bone health, your immune system, energy production, and more.
I don’t recommend supplement brands that I don’t personally use, if you’re looking for Whey Protein, Collagen, Digestive Enzymes, and more, please look into Thorne Research.
They offer high quality, CLEAN, products. I use them daily! —>
(Disclaimer: If you have special health conditions or dietary concerns, definitely check with you medical provider for official recommendations for your specific body. The above are my general guidelines that benefit myself and my clients - but I am not a medical registered dietitian and cannot speak to your specific medical needs).
Sources: Precision Nutrition,